Monday, April 18, 2011

You know how sometimes certain songs just touch you? They may not even be by your favorite band?

This song is one of those.

I'll be the first to admit that Evanescence is fairly mainstream for me, but this song just gets to me.

I was watching random videos on Youtube and saw "Call Me when you're sober" which also at a point in my life described perfectly the "relationship" I was in. As a matter of fact I posted the lyrics on Myspace in a blog and pissed that person the hell off. YEP every word fit him to a T.

I digress... Lithium made me tear up. As it has so many times in the past. There a history of mental illness in my family. My paternal grandmother was Bi-Polar, my maternal grandparents were both self medicating themselves up to their deaths. Since high school I've been off and on anti-depressants several times. But this song just describes perfectly how it feels. Being lost in the medication. I've felt numb so many times...just going through motions and not feeling. It's hard to decide which situation is worse, being depressed or feeling nothing. You get tired of just "being."

1 comment:

  1. I completely understand how you feel. I took anxiety medication for well over year and it was like I quite feeling. I had no emotion. I went from having every single emotion in the world to nothing at all. It's a terrible feeling. I decided to stop taking the medication because I would rather feel than to be numb. At least by feeling I knew I was being honest with myself. I think I'm going to write my own post about this. Thank you for inspiring to talk about this. <3
